Asukoht / Location / Viru väljak 4/6, Tallinn, Estonia
Aasta / Year / 2022
Pindala / Area / 42 m²
Sisearhitektuur / Interior architecture / Age Lenk
Arhitektuur / Architecture / 1969-1972 Henno Sepmann, Mart Port / 2001-2004 Vilen Künnapuu, Ain Padrik / 2019-2022 Wingardh
Klient / Client / Poke Bowl, Viru Keskus
Fotograaf / Photographer / Tõnu Tunnel
Erimööbel - 3d Seinad ja Plaat OÜ / Keraamilised plaadid - Vivarec / Mööbel - Elke Mööbel / Valgustid - Lampard
Aasta / Year / 2022
Pindala / Area / 42 m²
Sisearhitektuur / Interior architecture / Age Lenk
Arhitektuur / Architecture / 1969-1972 Henno Sepmann, Mart Port / 2001-2004 Vilen Künnapuu, Ain Padrik / 2019-2022 Wingardh
Klient / Client / Poke Bowl, Viru Keskus
Fotograaf / Photographer / Tõnu Tunnel
Erimööbel - 3d Seinad ja Plaat OÜ / Keraamilised plaadid - Vivarec / Mööbel - Elke Mööbel / Valgustid - Lampard
Kauss head toitu - need on kõik väärtuslikud toitained ühes toidus.
Kohviku põhimõte on pakkuda kiiret ja tervislikku toitu, olla lihtne ning kliendile lähedal.
Viru Toidutänava Poke Bowli kohviku kujunduse inspiratsiooniks on esialgne retrostiil´70-ndate Viru hotelli enda hoonest. Leti esimaterjaliks on väikesed erineva suurusega keraamilised plaadid, kus ühe poole toon on Poke roosa ja teise poole Meze roheline. Pehmendamiseks on kompositsioonis ehedat puitu letil ja baaripukkidel. Leti pind on ajastu- ja kohapõhiselt haakuv terrazzo plaat. Kõik see kokku loob kerge ja lihtsa mulje, mis oli ka kliendi ootus. Kohvik on avatud köögiga ning kogu toiduvalik on letil samas tasapinnas läbi klaasi nähtav ja valitav.
This is the next Poke Bowl-Meze cafe located in Viru foodhall Tallinn city. Viru’s department store renovation concept by Winghard architecture studio has given a new very popular foodhall to Tallinn, as there similarly are many around the world nowadays. My concept is inspired by Poke Bowl’s pink and Meze’s green colors. They’ve been put on the bespoke facade of the counter in various sized ceramic tiles which was the first Viru Centre’s authentic material in the 70s as well. Simplicity and open mindedness was expected. There’s a terrazzo slab stone on top of the counter and all the food is served there which you can see and choose from through a transparent curved glass. A little bit of wood is used on the barstools which makes a connection with the sitting area and gives a warm and relaxed emotion as needed when eating at a cafe.
Kohviku põhimõte on pakkuda kiiret ja tervislikku toitu, olla lihtne ning kliendile lähedal.
Viru Toidutänava Poke Bowli kohviku kujunduse inspiratsiooniks on esialgne retrostiil´70-ndate Viru hotelli enda hoonest. Leti esimaterjaliks on väikesed erineva suurusega keraamilised plaadid, kus ühe poole toon on Poke roosa ja teise poole Meze roheline. Pehmendamiseks on kompositsioonis ehedat puitu letil ja baaripukkidel. Leti pind on ajastu- ja kohapõhiselt haakuv terrazzo plaat. Kõik see kokku loob kerge ja lihtsa mulje, mis oli ka kliendi ootus. Kohvik on avatud köögiga ning kogu toiduvalik on letil samas tasapinnas läbi klaasi nähtav ja valitav.
This is the next Poke Bowl-Meze cafe located in Viru foodhall Tallinn city. Viru’s department store renovation concept by Winghard architecture studio has given a new very popular foodhall to Tallinn, as there similarly are many around the world nowadays. My concept is inspired by Poke Bowl’s pink and Meze’s green colors. They’ve been put on the bespoke facade of the counter in various sized ceramic tiles which was the first Viru Centre’s authentic material in the 70s as well. Simplicity and open mindedness was expected. There’s a terrazzo slab stone on top of the counter and all the food is served there which you can see and choose from through a transparent curved glass. A little bit of wood is used on the barstools which makes a connection with the sitting area and gives a warm and relaxed emotion as needed when eating at a cafe.